I was able to display my Oklahoma State Fair entries at work and take a picture. I received some nice comments from coworkers and physicians.
I entered two beaded items in the beadwork contest, the necklace with earrings in the class jewelry and the bracelet and earrings in jewelry, other. I am very pleased with having received 2nd place on both because there was a lot of competition. The little tatted pendant bag is hiding behind the ornament with the tatted drape. It received third place in the class beaded bags/purses.
I still can't believe the bobbin lace bookmark received first place. It's Lesson 2 in the Bobbin Lace Manual. The hairpin lace fan received first place. The Romanian point lace heart received third place and my dragons picture received second place.
In the meantime I tatted a pair of pink baby booties but I still need to take a picture before I can show it here.